After School


Our robust school enrichment program expands the fun and exciting learning that already happens here. From cooking to chess, robotics to juggling, drama to Minecraft, our classes satisfy every curiosity, whim and passion. After school enrichment classes run until 4:30pm and are available for an additional fee.

After School Program

Our after school program –– Brandeis PM –– provides a nurturing environment where students can study, read, play and relax. It offers both structured activities and games along with free time and healthful snacks. Brandeis PM runs until 6pm and is available for an additional fee.

Athletics and sports teams

We have a variety of sports teams at Brandeis Marin including cross-country (grades 3-8), basketball (grades 5-8) and flag football, volleyball, ultimate Frisbee and track and field for grades 6-8. Along with honing skills on the field, our student athletes master others as well –– self-discipline, focus, teamwork, sportsmanship, perseverance and an appetite for healthy competition.


Brandeis Marin offers bus service covering San Francisco and Southern Marin both before and after school. Any student may participate in this program. Stops, pick-ups and drop-off times are finalized when ridership has been determined. Transportation to and from the East Bay may be available as well, depending on sufficient ridership. 

Carpooling is highly encouraged, and we are happy to help families find carpool options whenever possible.