Chromebook BYOD Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Q: What is the purpose of the Brandeis Marin Student Chromebook Program?
- Q. Will parents be required to purchase a new Chromebook for the Brandeis Marin BYOD Program?
- Q. Which grades at Brandeis Marin are a part of the BYOD Chromebook program?
- Q. Can my child bring a Mac, PC or other device (smartphone, iPad, etc.) in lieu of using a Chromebook?
- Q: Where should I buy my student's Chromebook?
- Q: Which Chromebook should I buy?
- Q. What else do Brandeis Marin middle school students need to bring for their laptops?
- Q. We have another computer at home for our student to use. Can students leave their laptops at school?
- Q. What are the students’ responsibilities with regard to the Brandeis Marin Chromebook Program?
- Q. What if a student forgets his/her Chromebook at home?
- Q. Will the laptop need to be connected to the internet to complete homework assignments?
- Q. Who is responsible for the maintenance and updates of these devices?
- Q: Is any technical support available on campus?
- Q. How can students protect their computing device from theft or damage?
- Q. What do I do if my laptop is stolen?
- Q. Do I need to purchase an extended warranty or insurance for my device?